
Resources in English

1. READING ROCKETS Tools and resources to encourage and teach children to read.
2. READING ROCKETS (Article) Ideas on how to encourage kids, especially those who are not excited about books, to do more reading.
3. LITERACY LAUNCHPAD Sites and tools to help encourage and inspire children to be lifelong readers.
4. LITERACY LAUNCHPAD (On-line books) 20 sites to read, create, and share free children's books online.
5. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF SHCOOL LIBRARIANS School Librarians Role in Reading Toolkit.
6. KIDS BOOKSHELF Encourages parents and caregivers to help children discover the enjoyment of reading.
7. E-HOW Offers ideas and activities that can be used ot encourage chilren to read.
8. INTERNATIONAL CHILDREN'S DIGITAL LIBRARY Collection of books that represent outstanding historical and contemporary books from around the world.
9. LITTLE ONES READING RESOURCE Dedicated to children and families, to educate us "big" people on the importance and role of reading for children.
10. READING TUB Public charity dedicated to child and family literacy.
11. TEACH MAMA Ideas on how to make summer reading fun for kids.
12. TEACH MAMA The user can find some read-aloud tips here.
13. CREATIVE TEACHING SITE Designed to help teachers enhance their abilities and help make teaching genuinely satisfying and enjoyable.
14. CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Ideas) Ideas to help encourage children to read books on a regular basis.
15. CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Resources) Ideas to encourage a love of books and reading, and some books and online resources.
16. CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Tips) 10 Tips to help you raise kids who love reading.
17. MOMS INSPIRE LEARNING Simple resources and strategies to inspire lifelong learning and reading.
18. READING-REWARDS.COM Child-friendly website all about getting kids reading! Free reading-log/incentive programme.
19. CHILDREN'S BOOK COUNCIL National non-profit trade association for children's trade book publishers.
20. EXPLORE Ideas that might encourage children to read for pleasure.
21. EARLYCHILDHOOD Article related to children for reading for pleasure.

Resources in Greek